Thursday, September 24, 2009

Throat Cancer

I had a really bad sore throat for a few weeks. I came to terms that I am a Hypochondriac and am really trying to get better so I took it as a cold and piled up my medicine cabinet with all sorts of drugs. Once I started to get feverish I decided it was time to see the doctor. Since I was away at college I had to go to the "highly advanced" college health center where they have graduate students evaluate your issues. I opened my mouth and said "Ahh" to this short little blond girl, Dr. Strauss. "Huh. Interesting" she says. The two words you never want your doctor to say to you. "... Seems like you have a cyst growing in the back of your throat... It's possibly benign but I'm going to refer you to a specialist" GREAT. The referral wasn't for two weeks so I had to sit there Google Imaging cysts and comparing it to my own thinking I had throat cancer for 14 days and 13 sleepless nights. People DIE from cysts. I called my Pediatrician across the country to talk to her about the little enemy growing in my mouth. I established a Skype session just to show my parents what 'it' looked like. I e-mailed a picture I took of 'it' and e-mailed it to my roomate's dad. Random people I would meet, would know about 'it' within a few minutes of my introduction as I tried to have them analyze it's shape. 

On the day of my appointment I could have sworn 'it' grew bigger. I trekked through the snow to the address on my paper to see Dr. Zimmerman. Dr, Strauss had failed to inform me that Dr. Zimmerman's office was at the NYU.... Hospital. That's basically another word for 'Graveyard'. It was also in the CANCER WARD of the HOSPITAL. Which is basically another word for 'Death'. I sat down in the waiting room next to a little old man. He turned to me and said something I couldn't understand because guess what? He didn't have a TONGUE. They must have removed his tongue because of his throat cancer (I read about this procedure online). My eyes filled up with tears as I tried to conceive what the rest of my life was going to be like without a tongue and with throat cancer. They called my name seventeen minutes later. Dr. Zimmerman stuck a camera up my nose and checked my throat and ears. "It's just a small cyst. It's benign and will go away on it's own in a few weeks." Before I could breath out my relief.... "But, huh, your tonsils are very swollen, looks like those babies might need to be removed."  ........ to be continued........

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